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Small Town Teams, Big League Dreams

Small Town Teams, Big League Dreams

TLL Local Rules & Procedures

Thurmont Little League follows the Little League International rule books that are updated and published annually.  It is the responsibility of the Umpires, Managers, and Coaches to know and properly apply these rules.

The links that follow are additional rules and procedures as applied by Thurmont Little League during regular season play.  In the event that any local rule is determined to be in conflict with any Little League International rule(s), the Little League International rulebook will take precedence over the local rule or option.  Local playing rules apply to regular season and league play-offs.  These rules also apply to interleague games and should be conveyed to visiting Managers.



Softball is not currently offered at TLL.  We hope to one day offer Little League Softball again.

Minor Division Baseball

Minor Division Baseball Overview
At the Minor Division, players are introduced to "player pitch."  This level is recommended for players ages 8-11.  Players age 7 can participate if they have previously demonstrated strong skills and understanding at the coach pitch level.  Players age 12 can only play at the Minor level if a waiver is approved through MD District 2 Little League.  A full schedule of games is provided, and this is the first level where scores are kept during games.  Prior to the season, all players registered for the Minor division will participate in a Player Evaluation to assess skill level and determine appropriate placement.

This document may downloaded via THIS LINK


Thurmont Little League
275 Westview Drive (P.O. Box 361) 
Thurmont, Maryland 21788

Email: [email protected]

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