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Small Town Teams, Big League Dreams

Small Town Teams, Big League Dreams


Thurmont Little League Bylaws
approved January 7, 2024


  1. Divisions:  The Board of Directors of Thurmont Little League oversees the Intermediate Major, Minor, Coach Pitch and Tee Ball divisions.  

    1. The following division structure shall be in place when the number of available players supports it.  The Board of Directors reserves the right to change the structure, within the rules of Little League International, to suit the needs of Thurmont Little League.  

      1. Intermediate Division: 50/70 field - league ages 11-13

      2. Major Division:  league ages 9-12

      3. Minor Division:  league ages 7-11

      4. Coach Pitch Division:  machine/coach pitch - league ages 6-8

      5. Tee Ball Division:  tee/coach pitch - league ages 4-6

    2. With approval of the District Administrator, 12-year old players may play in the Minor Division under special circumstances.  

    3. With approval of the Board of Directors, players may play in Tee Ball, Coach Pitch or Minor Divisions outside of their age group under special circumstances, such as ability or safety reasons.  

  1. Registration, Player Evaluation, and Drafts

    1. Registration:  A registration period will be opened January 1 through mid/late-February to include online and in-person registration options.  The Player Agent is responsible for maintaining registration records.  

      1. Registration will be advertised by multiple means (ie. email, social media, newspaper, signage, etc) on an ongoing basis prior to and during the open registration period.  

      2. Late Registrations will be accepted when possible.

        1. Intermediate Division: Late registrations may only be accepted until teams are selected,  if the player is able to participate in 50% of the scheduled player evaluation sessions.  

        2. Major Division:  Late registrations may only be accepted up until teams are selected, if the player is returning to a Major division roster, and/or is able to participate in 50% of the scheduled player evaluation sessions.   

        3. Tee Ball, Coach Pitch and Minor Divisions:  Late registrations will be accepted on a case-by-case basis, when possible, until teams have been selected.  Minor Division players are expected to participate in 50% of the scheduled player evaluation sessions.  

      3. Registration fees will be approved by the Board of Directors prior to the opening of the registration period.  

      4. A refundable deposit of $200 per household will be required upon player registration.  The preferred deposit will be in the form of a check.  At the end of the season, Thurmont Little League will return or shred the deposit checks for all households who have fulfilled their concession stand obligations.  Any family who has not fulfilled their obligations to the concession stand will forfeit their deposit for the season.  The income from forfeited deposits will be used to offset losses of sales due to inadequate concession stand coverage.    

        1. No partial refunds will be issued.

        2. Other volunteer activities in lieu of concession stand duties may be considered and approved by the Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis.   

        3. The amount of the volunteer deposit check will be voted on by the Board of Directors before each season.

    2. Player Evaluation:  Following the close of the registration period, players in the Intermediate and Minor Divisions as well as non-returning Major Division players will be required to participate in player evaluation sessions as follows.  Managers who have been approved by the Board of Directors will attend the player evaluations to observe the participants.  

      1. Intermediate Division:  Players must attend 50% of the scheduled player evaluation sessions and are subject to be drafted by any Intermediate team.  

      2. Major Division:  Players who are new to the Major division must attend at least 50% of the scheduled player evaluation sessions and are subject to be drafted by any Major division team.  

        1. Returning players in the Major Division shall adhere to duration of title, and remain on the roster of a single team for his/her entire Major Division career, unless released or traded.  Players who played in the Major Division during the previous season will remain on the existing roster and are not required to participate in evaluations.  

        2. Players who have been approved to re-enter the draft must attend 50% of the scheduled player evaluation sessions and are subject to be drafted by any Major division team.  

      3. Minor Division:  All players at the Minor Division must attend at least 50% of scheduled player evaluation sessions and are subject to be drafted by any Minor division team.  Minor division players age 9 or older are subject to be selected by a Major division team.  

    3. Draft:  Following player evaluations, the President or designee and Player Agent will oversee the drafts of players at all levels, assisted by the specific Division Vice President.  Rosters will be formed by using a draft, as outlined in the Local League Draft Methods section of the Little League Rulebook.

      1. Spring Major Division:  The draft will be conducted in alignment with Plan A (Conventional Draft) procedures in the Little League Rule Book.  

        1. Draft Order:  The draft order will follow the reverse order of the previous season’s standings (ie. the team that finished in last place will have the first pick in each round of the draft).  Any manager that needs to pick eight or more players in order to complete the roster, will be awarded a “bonus pick” after the fourth round.  The teams who are granted the bonus picks will do so in the same order as is being followed during the draft.  

        2. Coach/Manager’s Children:  Children of managers and coaches will be selected in alignment with Draft Options procedures in the Little League Rulebook.  

        3. Expansion:  In the event that the Major Division expands, Thurmont Little League will use option 3 that is clearly outlined in the Little League rule book.

        4. Reduction:  In the event that the Major Division is reduced by one or more teams, the Board of Directors will determine which team(s) are to be eliminated.  All players from the eliminated team(s) will be re-entered into the draft and eligible for selection by any Major Division team.

        5. Re-Draft:  Under unique circumstances, the Board of Directors may determine a re-draft is necessary.  The league will conduct a re-draft in alignment with Plan B (Re-Draft) procedures in the Little League Rule Book.  All returning major division players will be re-entered into the draft and will be required to attend 50% of the scheduled player evaluations.  Parents of returning major division players will be notified of this requirement in advance of player evaluations.  The re-draft will take place in two parts.  The first part will be a draft of all returning major division players.  All returning major division players must be selected before the second portion of the draft may begin.  The order of picks will follow the reverse order of the previous season’s standings, or by drawing numbers.  The order of selections will reverse with each round.  For example, the first team to pick in round 1 will pick last in round 2.  The second part of the draft will include eligible players who did not play at the major division during the previous season.  The second part of the draft will begin with the team who was next to pick after the returning players have all been selected, and will continue to follow the established draft order.  

        6. Player Re-Entry: Returning players to the Major division shall adhere to duration of title.  However, if a justifiable reason exists, a player may request to be released by his manager and re-enter the draft.  The request must be made in writing to the President, who will bring it to the Board of Directors.  The Board will consider the reason for the request, as well as the recommendation of the manager, then will vote to approve or deny the request.  

          1. Upon the Board of Directors’ decision, the President will notify the player’s parent(s) of the decision.  

          2. In the event that a player is approved for re-entry, the President will notify the Player Agent and managers of the Major division that the player is eligible to be drafted.  

        7. Undrafted Players:  After all Major Division rosters have been filled, any remaining undrafted players will be placed into the pool of eligible players for Minor Division draft.  

      2. Intermediate, Minor, Coach Pitch and Tee Ball Divisions:  All eligible players enter the draft and will be selected by a team at the division for which they have registered.  Draft order will be chosen at random by drawing names from a hat.  Each round will follow the same order.  

        1. After the Minor division player evaluations, if one or more players are recommended for the Instructional division due to safety concerns, the parent(s) will be notified by the President or Player Agent prior to drafts.  The players will be drafted by or placed onto a Coach Pitch team.  

Fall Major Division: 

1. Evaluations will not be conducted for the fall season. Any Minor Division player may be drafted to a Major division team but will be required to attend evaluations to be redrafted for the following spring season.

2. The Major division team beginning the fall season with the least amount of returning players will get the first draft pick, the second least amount would get the second draft pick, and so on.  **If there is a team who has several less returning players than the other teams, then the Major Division Vice President and the Player Agent can decide if that team will get an additional pick in any of the fall draft rounds.** If any of the teams have an equal number of players then the draft order reverts back to Spring season standings.**

  1. Player Re-Entry: Returning players to the Major division shall adhere to duration of title.  However, if a justifiable reason exists, a player may request to be released by his manager and re-enter the draft.  The request must be made in writing to the President, who will bring it to the Board of Directors.  The Board will consider the reason for the request, as well as the recommendation of the manager, then will vote to approve or deny the request.  

    1. Upon the Board of Directors’ decision, the President will notify the player’s parent(s) of the decision.  

    2. In the event that a player is approved for re-entry, the President will notify the Player Agent and managers of the Major division that the player is eligible to be drafted.  

  1. Intermediate, Minor, Coach Pitch and Tee Ball Divisions:  All eligible players enter the draft and will be selected by a team at the division for which they have registered.  Draft order will be chosen at random by drawing names from a hat.  Each round will follow the same order.  

    1. After the Minor division player evaluations, if one or more players are recommended for the Coach Pitch division due to safety concerns, the parent(s) will be notified by the President or Player Agent prior to drafts.  The players will be drafted by or placed onto a Coach Pitch  division team.  

3. Selection of Team Managers

  1. Division Vice Presidents will recommend managers and coaches for approval by the Board of Directors.  

    1. Preference will be given to managers returning to the same division, unless a known problem has occurred.  

    2. The Board will vote by majority for approval of the recommended list of managers and coaches.  

4. Playing Season

  1. Team practices will begin in March, subject to adequate field conditions.  The President will notify the Division Vice Presidents when the field conditions are safe for practices to begin.  

    1. Division Vice Presidents will coordinate practice schedules with the Managers of each division.  

  2. Regular Season games will begin in April and conclude in June.    

    1. An Opening Day ceremony will take place on the first Saturday of season games.  An Opening Day Committee may be formed to assist in planning the event.  

      1. Games may be played during the week prior to the Opening Day ceremony.  

    2. Season Schedule:  Division game schedules will be approved by the Board of Directors.  

      1. Intermediate Division:  The Intermediate Division Vice President will work with District leadership to develop the season schedule.  

      2. Major Division:  Teams will play no less than 12 regular season games, exclusive of playoff or tournament games.  

        1. A team may not play more than one doubleheader in a calendar week.  No team shall play three games in one day.  

        2. Regular season will conclude prior to the start of District level tournaments.  

      3. Minor & Coach Pitch Divisions:  Teams will play no less than 12 regular season games, exclusive of playoff games.   

        1. No team shall be scheduled to play two games in one day.  

        2. At the Minor Division, a single-elimination playoff will follow the regular season.  There is no playoff in the Coach Pitch Division.

      4. Tee Ball Division:  Teams will play no more than 12 regular season games.  

        1. No team shall be scheduled to play two games in one day.

        2. There is no playoff in the Tee Ball division.  

  1. Code of Conduct

    1. Players, Coaches, Volunteers and Managers

      1. Players, Coaches, Volunteers, and Managers are expected to represent themselves, their teams, and Thurmont Little League in a positive manner.  

      2. Self-control, sportsmanship and fair play shall be adhered to at all times.

      3. Profanity will not be tolerated; if the umpire hears profanity used by a player, coach, volunteer or manager that person will be subject to ejection from the game.

      4. If a player, coach, volunteer or manager throws equipment after an umpire's call, that person will be subject to ejection from the game.

      5. The manager of the team is the only one allowed to discuss, not argue, a call with the umpire.

      6. Any player caught fighting will be ejected from the game immediately.

      7. Any player, coach, volunteer or manager who engages in “misconduct”, such as intentional wrongdoing, deliberate violation of a rule, or improper behavior on or around the fields is subject to discipline.

      8. The first misconduct of ejection of a player, coach, volunteer or manager in a season will result in an immediate suspension of that person from the following game.

      9. The second misconduct or ejection of a player, coach, volunteer or manager will result in a three (3) game suspension of that person.

      10. The third misconduct or ejection of a player, coach, volunteer or manager will result in termination of that person for one full year from the date of the third offense (this includes all-stars, fall ball, etc.); any coach or manager caught fighting will also immediately receive this discipline.

      11. Any appeal of an ejection or finding of misconduct must be presented in writing to a member of the Board of Directors within 24 hours of the ejection or finding.

      12. All disciplinary actions will be administered by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

    2. Spectators

      1. Will be positive role models.

      2. Will display and instill in all players, the principles of good sportsmanship and team play.

      3. Will conduct themselves in a manner that best serves the interests of the players.

      4. Will provide the players with a positive experience.

      5. Will not ridicule, taunt, humiliate or demean players, coaches or umpires.

      6. Will inform the coach of any disability or ailment that may affect the safety of their child.

      7. Will treat all players, coaches and umpires fairly and with respect.

      8. Will comply with the decisions of league officials and observe all rules, policy and procedure as established by the Board of Directors.

      9. Will respect the opponent and avoid any confrontation with opposing players, spectators, or coaches.

      10. Will be tobacco,drug, and alcohol free while at the complex and any other Little League events.

  1. Participant Safety

    1. Thurmont Little League will develop an A Safety Awareness Program (ASAP) Plan each year, which will be followed in order to ensure the safety of all participants.

    2. All volunteers who work with players at practice or games (i.e. managers, coaches, team parents, and umpires) must complete and pass the required background check prior to being approved to participate in team activities.  A team may only practice or play games under the supervision of one or more volunteers who have been approved through the background check process.

  1. Care of Facilities

    1. Players, Volunteers, and Spectators are expected to exercise appropriate care for Thurmont Little League facilities or other public facilities used by participants of Thurmont Little League.  

      1. Prior to the start of team practices, volunteers will be invited to a Field Maintenance Day in order to prepare fields for use.  

      2. Managers are responsible for checking and preparing the playing area before and after practice.

      3. Prior to a game, the home team manager is responsible for preparing the field, including raking, placing bases, foul lines, and batters boxes.  

      4. After a game, both team managers are responsible for raking, repairing holes, putting away equipment, and turning off lights (if used).  An exception can be made for a visiting team who has traveled from another league to play at Thurmont Little League.  

      5. The final team to conclude play or practice in the evening is responsible for locking the restrooms and equipment shed.  

      6. Players, Volunteers, and Spectators are to dispose of trash in provided cans or dumpster.  

      7. Concession stand food preparation areas will be cleaned upon closing each day.  Trash will be emptied at least daily.  

      8. Individuals who use the clubhouse will maintain its cleanliness.

      9. Equipment sheds will remain neat and organized at all times.  Equipment will be returned promptly after use.   

  1. Equipment

    1. The Equipment manager will organize and disperse equipment equally amongst all teams.

      1. Equipment Manager- It is the responsibility of the Equipment Manager to maintain inventory and give out playing equipment at the start of the season.  He/She shall also inform the President about any new equipment that needs to be ordered and make sure that all equipment is in good condition and safe for play. 

      2. At the end of the season, Division Vice Presidents are responsible for collecting equipment from managers of each division and turning it over to the Equipment Manager .

  1. Selection of Tournament and All-Star Teams

  1. District Tournament (All-Star) Teams include separate Intermediate (age 11-13), age 10-12, age 9-11, and age 8-10 teams, to represent Thurmont Little League in District level tournaments, with opportunities to advance to State, Regional, and National play, as available. Players may be selected to 2 teams, however, CAN NOT participate on both teams at the same time. 

    1. 11-13 Intermediate is available to players who played in the intermediate division.

    2. 10-12 will be considered a “Majors only” division. Minors players are not eligible for this Tournament Team unless Managers, Division VPs and The Board of Directors vote to allow a certain player the opportunity. Players who played only Intermediate during the regular season are eligible for the 10-12 team per Little League Rules.

    3. 9-11 & 8-10 will allow players from the Majors and Minors Divisions to participate. Team Managers and VPs from the Majors and Minors Divisions will decide which age bracket will allow Thurmont Little League the best opportunity to be competitive for that Tournament Season. Once a decision is made a ballot will be created with a list of eligible Minors division players as well as Majors players who were not selected to the 10-12 team. 

  1. The Minor All-Star Team(s) will play in games and/or tournaments beyond the regular season and will consist solely of Minors Division players. The Vice President of the Minor Division will work with the President to determine which tournaments or playing opportunities are available. This team does not play in District Level, State, Regional or National play. They instead play in local tournaments hosted by leagues in the area.

  2. Manager Selections:  The Vice Presidents of the Intermediate, Major, and Minor Divisions will poll Managers from their respective divisions for interest in managing a tournament team.  Those names will be brought to the Board of Directors for a vote to select the manager of each team.

    1. If no Manager is willing to manage a tournament team, the Division Vice Presidents will poll the Assistant Coaches of their interest in managing the tournament team. 

    2. The tournament team Managers may each select two Assistant Coaches.  The Assistant Coaches selected for the tournament must be either a Manager or named Assistant Coach of an Intermediate, Major, or Minor Division team during the regular season.  If the Manager would like to name an Assistant Coach that is not a Manager or Assistant Coach of a Majors team during the regular season, he/she must receive approval from the Board of Directors for that Assistant Coach.  All tournament team Managers and Assistant Coaches must be approved volunteers.  

    3. The District Administrator or District Staff shall not serve as manager or coach. The league president and player agent may be eligible for selection by the local league Board of Directors to coach or manage with written approval from their respective District Administrator. 

      1. 8- to 10- Division: The manager and coach(es) shall be regular season team managers and/or coaches from the Minor League Division or Little League Baseball (Major) Division. 

      2. 9- to 11-Year Old Division: The manager and coach(es) shall be regular season team managers and/or coaches from the Minor League Division or Little League Baseball (Major) Division. 

      3. Little League (10-12): The manager and coach(es) shall be regular season team managers and/ or coaches from the Little League Baseball (Major) Division or Intermediate (50-70) Division. 

      4. Intermediate (50-70) Division: The manager and coach(es) shall be regular season team managers and/or coaches from the Little League Baseball (Major) Division or Intermediate (50-70) Division. 

      5. A maximum of three (3) coaches are permitted on the field. This includes one (1) manager and two (2) assistant coaches per team. The team manager may select their assistant coaches.

  3. Player Intentions: Intermediate, Major, and Minor Division Managers will distribute player intent forms to parents of players who are interested in participating in a tournament team roster.  This communication will include information about the selection process and the anticipated cost.  Any player whose parent completed and signed the intent form, and is otherwise eligible to participate in a tournament team, will be included on a ballot for voting.  

  4. Player Selections:  Player selection will follow a voting process conducted by a committee consisting of the President, Player Agent, and one additional impartial Board Member.  If a member of the committee has a child or relative in consideration for selection on a team, the President shall appoint a Board Member to fill in for the collection and counting of votes for that particular tournament team.   

    1. Major (10-12) All-Star Team:  A ballot will be created, listing the players interested. Majors Managers and Assistant Coaches will fill out a ballot.

      1. The Manager from each Major Division team will vote for 8 players to be selected.  Each Manager’s vote will be given a value of “1.”    

      2. Up to two (2) Assistant Coaches from each Major Division team will vote for 8 players to be selected.  Each Assistant Coach’s vote will be given the value of “0.5.”   

      3. All Major Division players will vote for 8 players to be selected to the roster. Each player's vote will be given the value of “0.25.”   

      4. The 8 players with the highest point value at the end will be placed on the All-Star roster. The specific All-Star Manager will then select the remaining 4 players from the list of available players. 

        1. In the event of a tie for the 8th spot on the roster, all players with the tied score are selected to the team.  This will reduce the number of Manager’s selections for the roster accordingly.  

        2. A tournament team Manager may choose to have a roster of 13-14 players, in which case, will be given an additional manager’s selection(s). 

      5. Exceptions to the 12 player roster must be granted by the Board of Directors by a majority vote

    2. 8-10 & 9-11 All Star Teams: TLL will fill rosters from BOTH age levels if there are enough players to do so. Minors & Majors Division VPs & Team Managers will hold a meeting to determine which age bracket will be most competitive for Tournament play. This will then be approved by the Board of Directors. Roster slots for this team will be chosen first.

      1. If approved by the Board of Directors, ballots will be sent out electronically by the League President or Player Agent to all Major and Minor Managers and Major/Minor VPs to vote. 

        1. Major and Minor Managers and division VPs will each vote for 8 players on the ballot. 

          1. Ballots must be returned within 48 hours

          2. Ballots will be tallied by the President and Player Agent

          3. Each vote will receive 1 point. 

        2. The 8 players with the highest vote total will be placed on the All-Star roster.  The All-Star team Manager will select the remaining 4 players from the list of available players.  

          1. In the event of a tie for the 8th spot on the roster, all players with the tied score are selected to the team.  This will reduce the number of Manager’s selections for the roster accordingly.  

          2. Manager picks will be submitted within 24 hours

      2. A ballot for the remaining team will now be created and sent to Major and Minor Managers and Major/Minor VPs to vote following the above steps as described in E.ii.1.

    3. Intermediate All-Star Team:  After considering the number of available players, as well as players who are selected onto available All-Star teams, the Vice President of the Intermediate Division will work with the President and Player Agent to select players to be on the Intermediate All-Star Team.  

    4. Minor All-Star Team:  The Managers of the Minor Division will vote to select participants on the Minor All-Star teams.  A ballot will be created, listing the eligible players, and distributed to Minor Division Managers.  

      1. Minor Division Managers will each vote for 8 players on the ballot. 

      2. The 8 players with the highest vote total will be placed on the All-Star roster.  The Minor All-Star team Manager will select the remaining 4 players from the list of available players.  

        1. In the event of a tie for the 8th spot on the roster, all players with the tied score are selected to the team.  This will reduce the number of Manager’s selections for the roster accordingly.  

        2. A tournament team Manager may choose to have a roster of 13 players, in which case, will be given an additional manager’s selection.  

    5. Notification:  Each tournament team Manager will notify parents of players who are selected to the team.  The Player Agent and/or designee will notify parents of players who were on the ballot but were not selected for a tournament team.  

    6. Roster Announcements:  Rosters for tournament teams will be announced no earlier than June 1.  

    7. The President and Player Agent are responsible for completing and turning in required documentation to District 2 and Little League International.  

      1. Any necessary adjustments to the tournament team rosters will be managed by the President and Player Agent up until the deadline provided by Little League.  

      2. Requirements and documentation for the Minor All-Star Team will be the responsibility of the Minor Division Vice President and the Minor All-Star Manager.   

  5. In-House All-Star Games for Minor, Coach Pitch, and Tee Ball Levels:  Each game will be played by two teams, formed of representatives from each division team.  

    1. Each Manager will select a specified number of players from his/her roster to participate in the In-House All-Star game.  

    2. The Division Vice President will organize the selected players into two teams to meet in the In-House All-Star game.  All division managers will work together to manage and coach the teams during the In-House All-Star game.  

    3. The in house all star games will have no effect on players who made district all star teams or the minor all star team (as described in section 9.B.)

  1. Sunday Select Team: The Board of Directors may choose to offer one or more Sunday Select Teams, in conjunction with MD District 2 Little League.  

    1. Purpose:  The purpose of the Sunday Select Team is to provide additional “travel style” baseball opportunities for existing Thurmont Little League players.  

      1. Participation on the Sunday Select Team will not fall in conflict with participation in regular season or All-Star teams (i.e. game and practice schedules).  

      2. Selection to a Sunday Select Team in no way guarantees or interferes with selection on an All-Star roster.  

    2. Manager Selection:  Any individual interested in managing a Sunday Select team must notify the President of his/her interest.  If there are more candidates than teams to be offered, the Manager(s) will be chosen by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.  

      1. Managers of Major or Minor Division teams during the regular season are not eligible to be Manager of a Sunday Select Team.  

      2. A player’s activities on the regular season or All-Star team may not be limited or diminished due to the participation on the Sunday Select team.  (i.e. A player should not be held out of an opportunity to pitch for their regular season team because the Sunday Select Manager would like them to pitch in the upcoming Sunday game).    

      3. The Sunday Select team Manager may choose an appropriate number of Assistant Coaches.  The board will vote to approve the assistant coach selections.  

    3. Player Interest:  Parents of players in the affected age groups will be notified of the opportunity to participate on a Sunday Select team by email, social media post, or other communication. 

    4. Player Selection:  The Manager of the Sunday Select Team will select the roster from the list of players who have submitted interest.  

  1. Fall Season: Thurmont Little League will offer a Fall season for the purpose of providing further instruction for players.  

    1. Divisions:  Intermediate, Major, Minor, Coach Pitch and Tee Ball Divisions of play will be offered, when the number of registered players allows.  

      1. Tee Ball may be offered as a season or clinic format.

    2. Organization:  A committee of members of the Board of Directors will conduct planning, registration, manager selection, and team selection prior to the start of the fall season. 

      1. President or designee will serve as Thurmont Little League’s contact person with District 2 and will be responsible for communication regarding Thurmont Little League’s participation in the fall season.  

      2. An open registration period will begin by July 15 and conclude approximately August 15.  Online and in-person registration opportunities will be provided.  

      3. Player selections will be held within one week after the close of the registration period.

      4. Team practices may begin following player selections.  

    3. Participation:  Players will be encouraged to join the division of play that they expect to participate in during the following spring season.  

      1. Players who did not participate during the previous spring season must provide medical waiver and proof of birth documentation.

      2. Volunteers who did not complete the background check during the Spring must complete the background check process prior to participating in the fall season.  

    4. Game Schedule:  Thurmont Little League will work with MD District 2 Little League and other nearby Little Leagues to play a schedule of games at each division.  

      1. If enough players are enrolled in a specific division, Thurmont Little League may choose to play an in-house schedule in that division.  

    5. Playing Rules:  Thurmont Little League will work with MD District 2 Little Leagues to determine a common set of playing rules for each division during the fall season.  Managers are encouraged to review rules with opposing managers prior to the start of each game.  


Thurmont Little League
275 Westview Drive (P.O. Box 361) 
Thurmont, Maryland 21788

Email: [email protected]

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